Wild Dezign
Graphic Design for Print & Web
A bit of history.
I began working for Action Advertiser (Fond du Lac, WI) in the Composition Department creating ads and putting together the various papers in both a pre-computer era as well as the beginning of desktop publishing. Here is where I learned to work with tight deadlines, creative layouts, and crazy work hours. I learned the initial versions of Adobe software and was self-taught in all aspects of desktop publishing. And realizing how much I enjoyed teaching, spent many hours tutoring others in my department as Supervisor.
After several years working on the entire family of award-winning Action Advertiser papers, I moved to the printing division (Action Printing). Switching from ad creation and layout to more complex print projects was a natural progression for me. I continued to grow as a graphic artist and computer geek.
When Action Advertising, Inc. purchased DOTNET (an Internet and hosting provider) in 1996, I was very interested in the world wide web, and expressed my interest in learning how to design websites. It was very new and there were no courses yet developed for website design, so I became self-taught in the early development of HTML and website creation. I can still recall doing 600px width websites using tables for layout (before CSS was developed).
In 2000, I left the Action companies and started Wild Dezign. I soon partnered up with Rick at wisnet.com LLC and became his sole website designer as a sub-contractor, working onsite at the wisnet office. At the time it was a team of three, but a talented team that grew to 15 extraordinary people over the next 20 years. The websites became much more complex and the team expanded with programmers, project managers, designers and support specialists. As website development became more complex, I kept my primary role as "designer" and left coding and CSS behind. I now only know enough HTML/CSS to make me just a little dangerous.
I have enjoyed a wonderful working relationship with Rick and the entire team at wisnet.com. I was employed for 3 years beginning in 2017, but the months during the pandemic have resulted in a workload reduction and my employment was terminated. I will continue to work on projects as needed in the future as a sub-contractor.
I am looking forward to fresh challenges working with new clients.
Maybe that will be you :-)
You can't use up creativity.
The more you use, the more you have.
- Maya Angelou